Discipline is a form of behavior in the which someone obeyed a rule and customs in accordance with the time and place. And this can only be achieved with exercises and experiments repeated in accompanied by the student's own personal learning sincerity.So is an act of discipline and learning activities Carried out in accordance with the predetermined rules. At first discipline in its feel as a rule That suppresses the freedom of students, but if this rule is perceived as something That Should Be consciously obey for the good of themselves and the common good, then over time become a good habit toward self-discipline . In a broad sense of discipline is to mirror the life of the nation's communities. Meaning, from the description of a nation's level of discipline Will be Able to imagine how the high and low levels of national culture has.The name of People who have high discipline is usually directed to the person WHO always comes on time, adhere to the rules, behave in accordance with prevailing norms, and the like. Conversely, as People who lack discipline usually goes to People who lack or can not obey the rules and regulations, Both sourced from the public (on-Informal Conference), or government regulations in the set of the which is Caused by a particular institution. Compliance and adherence students to the Various rules and regulations applicable in the school's student discipline commonly Called while the disciplinary rules, and Various other provisions That Attempt to regulate the behavior of students in school discipline call. That the purpose of school rules, like rules on standards of dress, punctuality, social and ethical behavior learning.At school a student to Interact with the WHO's teachers educate and teach. Attitude, exemplary, deeds and words of the teachers viewed and WHO Both Heard and Considered by the students can penetrate into the heart and its impact sanubarinya Sometimes Exceed the influence of his parents' home. Attitudes and behavior in the show That teacher is Basically a part of Efforts to discipline students in school. Some of the Causes of Student Behavior That discipline as follows:
1. Undisciplined behavior may be Caused by the teacher
2. Undisciplined behavior may be Caused by the school; That school conditions are less pleasant, less regular, and others may cause less or undisciplined behavior
3. Undisciplined behavior may be Caused by students, and students WHO come from a broken home
4. Undisciplined behavior may be Caused by the curriculum, the curriculum is not too stiff, no or less flexible, less on force and others can lead to undisciplined behavior, in teaching and learning in particular and in the educational process in general
The purpose of discipline in schools is:
1. Provide support for the creation of deviant behavior That Is not
2. Encourage students to do well and entered correctly
3. Helping students adjust to and Understand Their environment and away from guidance do Things That are prohibited by school
4. Students learn to live with good habits and beneficial to him and the environment
Corrective discipline, the which is directing the Efforts of students to adhere to the rules. For Those WHO violate sanctioned to give lessons and so maintain and repair themselves following the rules.Talking about school discipline can not be released to the issue of negative behavior of students. Internal environment of any violation of school rules and school discipline is still frequently found violations ranging from mild to high-level offenses, Such as: the case of truancy, fighting, cheating, robbery, theft and other forms of other behavioral importance aberrations.The of discipline in the educational process and learning to teach Things as follows:
1. Respect for authority / authorities; discipline Will each student be aware of its position in Both the classroom and outside the classroom, Such as its position as a student to be respectful to teachers and principals
2. Efforts to instill cooperation; discipline in teaching and learning can be used as an Attempt to instill cooperation, Both the between students, students with teachers, and students with the environment
3. The need to organize; discipline can be used as an Attempt to instill in each student about the need to organize
4. Respect for others; with existing and uphold the high discipline in teaching and learning, each student will from know and Understand about the rights and obligations, and will of honor and respect the rights of others liabilities
5. The need to do something unpleasant; in life has always found it pleasant and unpleasant. Through discipline in Preparing students to face the Things That has little or no fun in life in general and in teaching and learning in particular
6. Introducing examples of undisciplined behavior; by giving examples of undisciplined behavior in the Hope that students can avoid it or Be Able to distinguish the which undisciplined behavior and discipline, in the Hope that students are Able to comply with either
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